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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

bloodred bits of saints in golden containers

Originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

"a short typing salvo from this sinking ship of churches i like to call venice weather has been lovely: rain, sun, sunburned left clavicle, using much after sun lotion, smell very strange, esp. combined with anti-mosquito stuff

my books are reading away very fast, every one i started in ny has been finished so i can leave them on this continent. i'm still hoping to run out of the apt on sat morning and buy the new hp, but boats and mail don't really promise a quick delivery at the only bookstore in town to order them in time, suitably located behind the bridge of sighs
have taken a great deal of charmingly amateurish and arty pictures of art and ruin, a great combination that makes up for most of the attraction this city holds for me"