new name, new address:

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Procrastination Patrol: Lykke Li

So I've moved into a new apartment for a few months. It's nice, having the space entirely for myself, and being back online 24/7. Though I'm meant to finish a project I'm working on, being online means I'm quite often watching Youtube.
This week, I've been watching Lykke Li's video for her sneaky pop hit (in Sweden at least), Little Bit. Sound-wise, Li splits the difference between Robyn's detached euro-pop (now with added Snoop Dogg!) with the eerie spareness of the Knife's faux-marimba ballads (like Marble House). This mp3 is recommended for fans of Cassie's robotic slinkfests as well as Björk's more Homogenic compositions.