new name, new address:

Monday, August 06, 2007

snake river

hell's canyon lomo 2, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

k and his camera

k and his camera, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

my first fish

my first fish, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

t shows me her frogs

t shows me her frogs 2, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.


wet, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

hell's canyon

pole, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

margarita in colorado

margarita, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

big b

DSCF3631.JPG, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.


DSCF3619.JPG, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.


DSCF3613.JPG, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

church window

DSCF3643.JPG, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

punk-ass bug

DSCF3609.JPG, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.


DSCF3618.JPG, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.

santa at habana

DSCF3606.JPG, originally uploaded by nyresolutions.